Praxis Groups

We will only become like Jesus if we can learn to be with Jesus. We will live in his Kingdom to the extent that our daily rhythms and practice of community habituate us into his Kingdom.

Following Christ was never just about believing some doctrines. It was never about just getting your ticket into heaven. It was never something to do alone. We were saved from the kingdom of darkness and transferred into the Kingdom of light, and now we get to learn to become citizens in God’s Kingdom with one another, beginning to experience his full, abounding life.

What are Praxis Groups?

The Christian life is about communing with God, who meets us in Jesus Christ and transforms us by the Holy Spirit, so that we would reflect his likeness — his goodness and grace and love — in all we do. That doesn’t just happen. No one wakes up one day with the character of Christ. Learning to follow Jesus requires a lifetime of listening to God’s Word and Spirit and practicing his way of living.

Practice is the key word here. Because the effects of sin linger in our bodies and minds even after Jesus saves us, we must intentionally practice coming before and being with him, submitting our lives to his loving lordship. And this is something none of us is called to do alone. We need fellow pilgrims on the way to encourage us, challenge us, and care for us.

This is where we get the idea of “Praxis Groups.” Praxis essentially means putting theory into practice, and that’s the goal of these groups: putting into practice what we know to be true about God with other committed Christ-followers. As Paul puts it, we’re training in godliness (1 Tim 4:7-8), gathered in homes and around tables throughout the community.

Ready to join a group?

We know you’re probably eager to start finding and forming a community at TPC, but it’s important for everyone joining a Praxis Group to understand more fully what these groups are all about and what you’re actually committing to. Expectations are everything.

Intro to Praxis, an online course of a few short videos digging a little more into our vision for these groups and outlining the process for getting into a group, is our prerequisite before jumping into a group.