
Sunday Gatherings

In-person at 9:00a or 10:45a at the McKinney Performing Arts Center

What is the gospel?

Who We Are

The Parks Church is a fellowship of those who have been saved by faith in Jesus Christ and filled with his Holy Spirit.

We exist to submit to King Jesus, seek his Kingdom, and serve the common good.

What We Do

Everything we do is geared towards forming whole-life disciples who practice the way of Jesus.

We want to create “little Christs” — people who participate in the love of God and share that love with others.

How To Connect

We believe that Christians enjoy fellowship with God and each other more deeply when they commit to and partner with a local church.

Start that journey by filling out a Connection Card. Someone from our team will welcome you and help connect you to areas where you can grow and serve.

Church Center

Check out upcoming events, join a Praxis Group or Bible study, sign up to serve, give, and more


With so many spiritual resources available to us, we’ve pulled together some of the best.